Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sweet Lemon Treat

I have always been a fan of lemons, I love the tart sweetness they bring to food and how they can change any meal. Of course my favorite food group is the  "fats, oils and sweets" category-so eating dessert with every meal is not rare for me. Truth be told, these  oooy gooey lemons bars would make a delicious breakfast!

Pairing two of my  favorite things together, this is bound to be a winning combination!

What you will need:
2 sticks (1cup) room temperature butter
2 cups granulated sugar
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 pinch salt
4 room temperature eggs
2 lemons
1/4 cup powdered sugar


Here is how you make it:
Before the fun gets started, be sure to preheat your oven to 350 degrees F
In a medium sized bowl, mix together the butter 2 cups of your flour, 1/2 cup of sugar and a pinch of kosher salt. Mix together with an electric mixer until you see little pea-sized chucks as seen in picture 2. Press the mixure into the bottom of your pan (I suggest using a 9x13inch). Stick the crust into the preheated oven for about 15 to 20 minutes until it turns a light golden color.
While your crust is cooking you can start working on the lemon deliciousness!
In a small bowl grate the zest of two lemons, be sure to zest your lemons before juicing otherwise you might have a hard time! Cut your lemons in half and get all the juice you can possibly get out of them without getting any seeds into your bowl. Mix in the lemon zest with juice and set aside.
In a medium sized bowl mix together 1 1/2 cups sugar and 1/4 cup flour, add eggs and lemon juice. Pour over the baked crust and cook for about 20 minutes. Let your lemon bars cool on the counter for about an hour and then cover them with plastic wrap before sticking them in the fridge for another two hours. The longer you can have them cool, the better off you will be!
Once you have let your lemon bars cool, cut them up and sprinkle with powdered sugar.. ENJOY!